All about Alyssa's
When you enter the “original” Alyssa's, aka the big store,
You are not just entering a retail establishment,
You are entering into an experience that we are excited to share with you.
Your senses will be on overload with all the sights, sounds,
smells, and even tastes that will be available.
We take great pride in the fact that our store is family friendly with shopping carts
and baskets in abundance,
as well as items that are desirable from age 2 to 102!
We want you to feel comfortable and
enjoy every moment of your visit with us!
From floor to ceiling are old and new treasures, shabby and
contemporary and everything in between.
Locally made custom items are available
from decals, clothing and decor to
custom farm tables and consoles.
We specialize in happy.
We celebrate joy.
We welcome all to share our aisles
of memories and wonder.
Our mission-driven staff is here to help
you every step of the way!
Don't ever be shy to ask for assistance.
Southern Hospitality is abundant and
part of our forever commitment to you!
Owner Alyssa Schepper has created a place
for your family that she would
want to bring her family to!
All three of their stores, Alyssa's, Alyssa's Etc. & The Refinery
are welcoming, fun and family friendly!
Because the stores are going in
their 20th year, their family has grown up with yours!



